Online Learning Material
- Statistics, Basics - Fundamental concepts of general statistics.
- Data Analysis - Application of statistics to measurements.
- Physical Measurements - Best methods of scientific observations.
- Experimental Design - How best to organize an experiment.
- Online Tools - The raw javascript applets used throughout.
- Heat & Mass Transfer - Basics of transport phenomena.
- CSTR Control - Reactor simulation and control demonstration.
- Basics of Statistics - An introduction to means, standard deviation, population vs. sample properties, and so on.
- Random Variables, PDFs, and CDFs - Basic information on random variables and their associated functions.
- Display of Data - An brief discussion of ways in which data is typically displayed, with interactive examples.
- Useful Statistics Functions - a collection of basic statistics functions and plots thereof, which are important in the realm of data analysis.
- Tests of Normalcy - Means of determining if your data are normally distributed.
- Determining Confidence Intervals - Means of finding and quantifying the error in a data set from a single treatment.
- Hypothesis Testing (2 Treatments) - Statistical methods for comparing two sets of data, or data with theory.
- Error Propagation - A description of common methods of finding certainty in calculated values, and an interactive example.
- Physical Measurement Basics - A discussion of the most basic aspect of this important topic.
- Calibration - A brief discussion of instrument calibration, with an interactive example.
- Basic Consideration of Experimental Design - A demonstration of some of the elementary considerations needed for effective experimental design.
- Method of Steepest Ascent - An brief explanation of an experimental design method meant to find the maxima (or minima) in a response surface.
- Factorial Design - ...
- Analysis of a single data set (one treatment) - Finds basic statistical properties, calculates confidence intervals at a given level, and tests normality.
- Analysis of two data sets (two treatment) - Finds basic statistical properties, calculates confidence intervals at a given level, performs hypothesis tests, and tests normality.
- Error Propagation - Given a function, the value of its variables and their error, this script approximates the propagated error in the calculated value (discussed in greater detail here).
- Parabolic PDE Example - Example of numerical solutions to the 2D transient diffusion problem under various boundary conditions. Parabolic PDEs may describe a variety of phenomena, from heat and mass transfer to acoustic propagation and EM field strength.
- Parabolic PDE Example - Example of finite difference solutions to the 2D transient diffusion problem under various boundary conditions. Parabolic PDEs may describe a variety of phenomena, from heat and mass transfer to acoustic propagation and EM field strength.